Brathouse By The Sea - Copalis Beach Vacation Rentals
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  2. United States
  3. Washington
  4. Copalis Beach

Brathouse By The Sea

Property #1-3272148

Rates From

$124 per night / $867 per week

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Not Available’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.

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  • Property Type

    Vacation Home

  • Bedrooms


  • Bathrooms


  • Sleeps


Vacation Rental Description

Newly remodeled with plenty of space for you, your family and friends, Brathouse by the Sea is close enough to the beach you'll be able to play in the sand and surf from sun up to sun down.


The owners of Brathouse by the Sea have poured a lot of love into this house and offer it for vacation rental hoping you'll enjoy it has much as they do.

Located on a small road, Brathouse by the Sea feels remote, but it's just ten minutes from Ocean Shores. There's a trail to the canal (Connor's Creek - great for kayaking) and a footbridge to the ocean is just a short drive away, so it's easy to get out to the water.

Outside, you'll find the deck with gas barbeque and outdoor furniture provides an inviting space for grilling your meals while enjoying the peekaboo ocean views and sounds of the surf. It's also a fantastic place to take in the legendary sunsets the Washington beaches are known for.

Inside, there's a generously-sized living room with stone fireplace, two queen-sized sofa beds (one upstairs and one downstairs) and huge windows perfect for a little stargazing. The adjacent kitchen has a full complement of up-to-date appliances - refrigerator, stove, microwave, and dishwasher - plus coffee maker, coffee grinder, blender and toaster. Plenty of pots, pans and dinnerware are also provided.


Two bedrooms downstairs - one with a queen, one with a full - are perfect for the kids or friends. The upstairs bedroom features a four-poster queen, so you'll feel like royalty when you climb into bed.

The den downstairs is the perfect place to get cozy and take in a movie with friends and family on the smart TV.

For a little extra sleeping space, there's also a full-sized futon in the loft. Clean, fluffy linens are provided for all the beds. If you're using the sofas or futon, you'll need to bring your own linens for those additional sleeping spaces.

A shower/tub combo in one bathroom and a standalone shower in the second bathroom guarantee that even larger groups will have no trouble washing the sand off after a day spent on the beach. Plush towels for both bathrooms are provided. In addition, there's a large capacity, stacked washer and dryer for your convenience.

Dogs are most welcome with a per pet, per day fee.


When booking with any of our properties in Copalis Beach, you'll have endless options for seaside activities. When bringing your friends or family along, we're sure that each and every one of you will find an adventure worth diving into.

Copalis Beach is a coastal community. Here, the Copalis River meets the sea and it invites you to explore wonderful seaside adventures.

Visiting during the warm weather? Get ready for clamming season! Copalis Beach is famous for razor clamming. You can gather your fill of these delicious clams.

The warmer days also mean you can go fishing, beachcombing and walk the scenic beach hiking trails.

Want to head to the beach during winter, too? That's not a problem! The views are just as beautiful and it's still a great getaway from your everyday life.


By The Sea, By The Sea is the only full-stack vacation rental management company in the area. We vow to make booking with us simple and exciting. While others know their way around it, we know that booking a rental property home for your vacation can be unfamiliar territory for some. Because we know this, we ensure that each of our properties is up to high-quality standards.

We do our absolute best to provide support to our guests when booking.

We are available to assist you every day of the year if you have any questions or concerns before, during or after your visit to our home. We have onsite property management available 24/7 for anything concerning that may arise.

MANAGED: This well managed property needs good guest behavior and adherence to instructions, rules, terms, conditions, and requires online registration, accidental damage protection, and electronic signature before final booking confirmation, or you may cancel before proceeding at that time. Phones open 9am to 7pm every day. For security, there may be outwardly facing security cameras, capable of constant recording depending on staffing. There may be interior decibel meters to report excessive noise. To allow enough time for full cleaning, check-In time is 5pm and Check-Out is 11am.

Grays Harbor County License STR 23-2430

Property Suitability

= No    = Yes

Wheelchair Accessible

Smoking Permitted


Pets Considered

Rental Amenities

  • bath with shower
  • toilet
  • shower
  • Queen size bed
  • double bed
  • sofabed

User Ratings & Reviews

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Not Available’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.

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