Surfer Girl Cottage - Westport Vacation Rentals
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  3. Washington
  4. Westport

Surfer Girl Cottage

Property #1-3720047

Rates From

$74 per night / $517 per week

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Not Available’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.

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  • Property Type

    Cabin or Bungalow

  • Bedrooms


  • Bathrooms


  • Sleeps


Vacation Rental Description

It's a perfect, modest little cabin where you can stow your stuff while you head out for adventures, like surfing, kayaking, or whale watching. Then, come back, kick off your shoes, relax and enjoy the evening.


Little surfer, little one,
Made my heart come all undone.
Do you love me, do you, Surfer Girl?
~ Brian Wilson, Beach Boys

Just like the Beach Boy's lovely lyrics, this bright and cheery one-bedroom, one bath cabin will win your heart.

The surfboards - hanging on the wall and propped up in the corner - let you know, this place has been a haven for surfing enthusiasts for some time.

Looking to leave the hustle and bustle behind? This is the place to do it. You and your friends can spend your time exploring the variety of adventurous activities Westport offers - from surfing, of course, to hiking, museums, the local lighthouse, charter fishing, birding - the list goes on. In the evenings, sit back and relax and share your favorite show or movie with the Smart TV.


"What a cool, cozy cabin! It was just right for my boyfriend and I to stow our stuff while we headed out for a day of surfing. Coming back for the night, we grabbed some takeout, ate dinner under the stars and were able to sleep soundly while we dreamt of the next day's fun." - Brenda


The bedroom features a comfy, queen bed and in the living room, the futon sofa folds out to sleep another guest. Linens are provided for the queen bed. If you plan on another, you'll need to bring another set of sheets. Fluffy towels will be provided for all.

The kitchen has a coffee maker, garbage disposal, refrigerator, stove, microwave and plenty of pots, pans and dinnerware so you can cook up breakfast, lunch and dinner.

If you prefer, check out the many restaurant options in Westport, just minutes away. There's also the option of fresh seafood, which can be found at exceptional local seafood markets.

Dogs are welcome with advance notice and our per pet, per night fee.


Staying with us in one of our Westport units? Well, you're in luck because we have the ins and outs of everything adventurous to do here in Westport. Visit some of the state parks or the Grays Harbor Lighthouse, where the tours offer scenic views of the water.

Westport is world-famous for fishing. Check with boat captains for unsurpassed seasonal dates.

In Westport, the warm weather brings many fishing options such as charters and tours. Go on a boat tour to see the water and beaches surrounding the area. Enjoy surfing or kiting at any of the beaches. Wetsuits and boards can be rented at the Surf Shop.

During the colder months, you'll find museums and restaurants that stay open year-round for you to enjoy. Explore the antique shops and boutiques that have trinkets and souvenirs for your keepsakes.


Beachy Day is the only full-stack vacation rental management company in the area. We vow to make booking with us simple and exciting. We know that booking a rental property home for your vacation can be unfamiliar territory for some, while others know their way around it. Because we know this, we ensure that each of our properties is up to high-quality standards.

We do our absolute best to provide support to our guests when booking.

We are available to assist you every day of the year if you have any questions or concerns before, during or after your visit to our home. We have onsite property management available 24/7 for anything concerning that may arise.

MANAGED: This well managed property needs good guest behavior and adherence to instructions, rules, terms, conditions, and requires online registration, accidental damage protection, and electronic signature before final booking confirmation, or you may cancel before proceeding at that time. Phones open 9am to 7pm every day. For security, there may be outwardly facing security cameras, capable of constant recording depending on staffing. There may be interior decibel meters to report excessive noise. To allow enough time for full cleaning, check-In time is 5pm and Check-Out is 11am.

Property Suitability

= No    = Yes

Wheelchair Accessible

Smoking Permitted


Pets Considered

Rental Amenities

  • toilet
  • shower
  • Queen size bed

User Ratings & Reviews

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Not Available’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.

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