Large themed bedroom home near Disney - Kissimmee Vacation Rentals
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  2. United States
  3. Florida
  4. Kissimmee

Large themed bedroom home near Disney

Property #1-3265628

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  • Property Type

    Vacation Home

  • Bedrooms


  • Bathrooms


  • Sleeps


Vacation Rental Description

Welcome home to an amazing 10 bedrooms, 10 -bathrooms house. Located in Bela Vida Resort, we are just minutes from Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, and other attractions in the Orlando area. The clubhouse offers a leisure pool, cyber cafe, fitness center, sand volleyball court, basketball, bocce, playground, and more. Guests can enjoy the whole structure without additional costs.

The Space:
This super spacious homes features 10 beautifully decorated bedrooms and can accommodate up to 20 people. This home features an awesome game room upstairs and also a super cool movie theater downstairs. A nice outdoor pool area for your evenings after the park to relax is always a plus, as well as the open concept kitchen and living room area. A washer and dryer is available and will help so you don't have to pack extra clothes for your trip. You can also enjoy the free WiFi to keep in contact with your loved ones. For the total comfort of our guests, the kitchen is fully equipped with pots and pans. Seasoning items are not provided for the safety reasons of our guest.

Property Suitability

= No    = Yes

Wheelchair Accessible

Smoking Permitted


Pets Considered

Rental Amenities

  • toilet
  • Queen size bed
  • king size bed
  • 2 × double bed
  • 2 × single bed

User Ratings & Reviews

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