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Galveston, Texas Vacation Rentals

41 listings found
About Galveston, Texas

“Galveston, oh, Galveston
I still hear your sea winds blowing”

Any time a town is memorialized in song, it has a way of sticking in your memory. If you are a baby boomer, you know Glen Campbell had a #1 hit with “Galveston” which was written by Johnny Webb. So, what’s special about Galveston, you may ask. Well, for one thing, there’s a song with the same name.  For another, the island is also home to 32 miles of beaches, a wide variety of family attractions, museums, restaurants, downtown shopping, top resort hotels, and outdoor adventure activities by land or sea, including kayaking, diving, deep-sea fishing, birding, golfing, beach volleyball and much more.

Galveston is very unique because of its location. Located on Galveston Island and Pelican Island, this city of 49,000 permanent residents is two miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and is the county seat of Galveston County. These islands are part of a string of sand barrier islands along the coastal zone of Texas. Since it is on an island, Galveston is ideally located to attract visitors and vacationers. Galveston Island was known as the “Playground of the South” in the late 1800’s and at that time a booming tourist industry was built around its attractive beaches, convenient location, ports and numerous attractions. Although Hurricane Ike did considerable damage in 2008, Galveston has rebuilt and reclaimed that title with an influx of new attractions and cruise ships that keep drawing visitors to this charming historic beach town on the Texas Gulf Coast.

When visitors first arrive in this fair city, they often describe it as cozy and romantic. It possesses all the charm of a small southern town, yet it is only 50 miles south of Houston which is the fourth largest city in the United States.  Galveston Island is a popular year-round destination blending mild temperate weather along with year round activities and events. There are festivals and events almost every weekend.   From the third largest Mardi Gras celebration in the country to popular food events such as Galveston Island Food and Wine Festival, Brewmasters Craft Beer Festival and the Galveston Island Wild Texas Shrimp Festival.   The holidays in Galveston are full of charm with unique events such as Dickens on The Strand and Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens.  

Galveston, oh Galveston…put this resort on your bucket list of places to visit. You will not be disappointed.

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