Search Results - Vacation Rentals

Ormond-by-the-Sea, Florida Vacation Rentals

251 listings found
About Ormond-by-the-Sea, Florida

Close to the magnificent Tomoka State Park, and the vibrant city of Ormond Beach, Ormond by the Sea is a charming little beach town with much to offer. Though small in size, this town supports six distinct ecological zones, providing a haven for a wide variety of wildlife and nature. Originally settled by the Timucuan Indians in the 16th Century, it is now a growing beach vacation destination. Old Canary Island date palms planted during the early 1900s line the streets, reminiscent of days gone by. Relax and enjoy pristine waters, deserted beaches, shopping, dining, and exploring while on your Ormond by the Sea vacation.

Nature near your Ormond by the Sea Rental

Vacation rentals are easy to find close by the ocean and Tomoka State Park. Explore this enormous park and all it has to offer. Go bird watching and see the different varieties of bird of prey you can spot, from falcons to eagles, there are plenty to see in this natural haven for wildlife. Unique to the area are its six ecological zones which provide bountiful habitat for numerous animal varieties and wildlife. Loggerhead turtles lay their eggs on the beach near Ormond by the Sea vacation houses, condos in Ormond by the Sea, Ormond by the Sea resorts on the beach, and Ormond by the Sea condo rentals. Ghost crabs scurry across the sand and make a great activity for the kids. See how many you can catch! Also native to the area, beautiful to photograph or just enjoy, are beach morning glories and beach sunflowers. View these wild flowers from the window of your Ormond by the Sea condo rental, Ormond by the Sea house rental, Ormond by the Sea condo, or Ormond by the Sea vacation rental.

What to Do near Your Ormond by the Sea Vacation Rental

There are lots of things to do while at your Ormond by the Sea condo rental, vacation house in Ormond by the Sea or condo in Ormond by the Sea. Shopping and dining spots are near your Ormond by the Sea house rental on Main Street, where a number of local shops and restaurants are there for you to browse through. Discover unique local artisans, local seafood, and the beauty of Ormond by the Sea. Enjoy being pampered at an Ormond by the Sea resort spa. Choose an Ormond by the Sea condo or vacation house in Ormond by the Sea on the water and enjoy paddle boarding, basking in the Florida sunshine, and relaxing on the beach with your loved ones. Rent a jet ski for an afternoon of wave riding fun, or enjoy a private sunset cruise on a fishing boat. Coast down these beautiful streets on rental bikes and explore all that your Ormond by the Sea vacation has to offer.

Ormond by the Sea Vacation Rental Options

This charming little beach town offers a wide selection of Ormond by the Sea rentals. From condos in Ormond by the Sea, to Ormond by the Sea resorts, or vacation houses in Ormond by the Sea there is something for everyone. Waterfront Ormond by the Sea condos or Ormond by the Sea house rentals are perfect for glorious views and relaxing mornings watching the sun come up over the water. Choose an Ormond by the Sea rental, Ormond by the Sea condo, or Ormond by the Sea house rental that suits your style and taste and head to Ormond by the Sea for a fun relaxing vacation in one of the most beautiful spots on the Florida coast.

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start date or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Booked’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.
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