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Glacier, Washington Vacation Rentals

Glacier, Washington Vacation Rentals
About Glacier, Washington

Found 35 miles east of Bellingham is the quaint little community of Glacier, WA. Nestled in a valley and at the foot of Mount Baker is your dream vacation rental that will offer you a dreamy scenery that you will lose track of the hours in! This is the perfect place for hikers, river rafters, snowboarders, and snowboarders. The nearby town of Maple Falls is where you’ll be going to if you ever have need of items like gas, but that will only immerse you only more into nature.

Mount Bake National Recreation Area

Glacier is just inside the Mount Baker National Recreation Area meaning that your stay is begging for lands to be explored once you’ve left your vacation rental. This 8473-acre area was established with the hikers and snowmobilers in mind! Regardless of the time of the year: there are so many ways to experience nature! You can also spend a night at a campsite where you can roast marshmallows, sit around a campfire, and sleep under the stars! Bring your friends and spend an evening making lifelong memories with those you care about.

Mount Baker Ski Area

If it’s winter: then you should go to Mount Baker Ski Area! This ski resort boasts the highest amount of snowfall annually for the US, so you don’t have to worry about there not being enough snow. Here you can take a chairlift up and from there you can hit the slope to choose how to get down. You’ll find yourself going up and down hundreds of times by the end of your stay here!

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Base rates (EXCLUDING any applicable taxes, fees, and promotions) are displayed as provided by rental managers and are not guaranteed. Rates are based on the start date or arrival date selected in the search and may vary on subsequent days. Properties marked ‘Available’ or ‘Booked’ are done so based on information provided by the rental manager and are not guaranteed. For completed details (including minimum stay length, full availability information, approved arrival days and other booking rules for the property) select ‘Book Now” (on available properties) or ‘Check Availability’ (booked properties) to be directed to the rental manager’s website or click “Contact” to send them a specific request.
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